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Welcome to our FAQ page! Here, you will find answers to the most common questions and doubts that arise while using TestAssist.

Is TestAssist Free?


Sure! TestAssist is a completely free Software, the source code generated using TestAssist is fully free, you can use it for any purpose or redistribute it without any license restrictions. An incoming reference link to and will be highly appreciated.

What is TestAssist Editor and TAGateway App?


TestAssist Editor is an online editor where user can visually create a TestCase, thereafter user can generate fully working test automation code in C#, Java, Python and JavaScript with a single tab switch. In order to extract web elements, run a TestCase we need to launch a browser instance using Selenium Web Driver, this can be done only from a Desktop application. A web browser app like TestAssist Editor cannot do this. Hence it is important to download, extract and run latest version of TAGateway App.

Is TAGateway App safe?


Sure, this is completely safe software without any malware, adware or any spying or fishing functionality. If you really want to ensure this you could download the sources of TAGateway App from the git repository and analyze it.

Is my TestCase saved in Cloud safe ?


Yes, your TestCase will be encrypted and saved under your user account on cloud. No one else will be able to see or download the TestCase. We value your business logic with utmost care of your internal application work flow.

How can I get the latest TAGateway App ?


You can download latest or older versions of TAGateway App from our repository

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Free Graphical no-code editor for Generating Selenium automation code in Java, C# & Python


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  • SwiftSoftware GmbH
  • Ziegeleistraße 36, 1.OG
    74193 Schwaigern, Germany

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